Ive heard it will be held in minehead again in 2008 - possibly August - but still waiting for definite confirmation
The heats are in Abuja, Nigeria starting 8/9/10 and they move over to Lagos for the final which will be held on the 16th / 17th / 18th / 19th of September 2010.
it is held in Minehead which is in the SouthWest of England in West Somerset. As for when I am not sure.
there will be no britains strongest man this year. please go to this facebook group set up by terry hollands and mark feilix to sign the petition http://www.facebook.com/inbox/?ref=mb#/group.php?gid=60457663762 thankyou
I have contacted Butlins Minehead as someone suggested, and they have not been notified if the event is being held there.
in 2010.
The 2010 World's Strongest Man competition took place in Sun City, South Africa.
Last week
Gary Taylor won the 1993 World's Strongest Man competition. The event took place in Orange, France, and there were 8 participants.
It is not true because it isn't a fact. they have a competition every year qualifying the worlds strongest man. he may probably be the strongest wrestler in WWE but he is Certainly not the strongest man.
The venue and dates for 2009 World's Strongest Man Competition has just been announced... http://www.theworldsstrongestman.com/event.html Can't wait to see the competition!
Geoff Capes
Janne Virtanen