The venue and dates for 2009 World's Strongest Man Competition has just been announced...
Can't wait to see the competition!
What time will the 2009 summer x games start?
errr.. no not really but the sow 'worlds strongest man' might be hosted in the UK some day........
Ted Hankey was the 2009 BDO World Champion, and Phil Taylor was the 2009 PDC World Champion. Phil Taylor also won the 2010 PDC World Championship, the 2010 Championship started on December 18th 2009 and Finshed on January 3rd 2010.
It has been set to be dubbed next month that is march 2009 so if you are reading this later than this then yes it is already out
September 25, 2009
Last week
Žydrūnas Savickas of Lithuania, World's Strongest Man 2009.
Louis Maclean is Scotland's strongest man. The World's Strongest Man 2009 is on Bravo on the 4th of Jan 2010 at 9pm!
Hes currently in MMA and will fight najman on 11th of December 2009.He said he didnt retire from World strongest man competition but he lost 16 kilograms just so he wouldn't be slow.Big mass = slow and u need to be fast in mma.
Jeremy Godfrey GBR.
Austyn Paul
I have contacted Butlins Minehead as someone suggested, and they have not been notified if the event is being held there.
Žydrūnas Savickas is the strongest man of 2009.
Probably the same as 08.