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The term "Back Door" could be used for both a slider, and a curve ball. It refers to a Baseball that was thrown outside of the strike zone, misses the plate but, is caught behind the plate, and called a strike. Technically it should be called a "ball" because it never crosses the plate but, because it is caught behind the plate and appears to be a strike to the umpire; It is said it came in through the "back Door"

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What is the difference between a hanging slider and a regular slider?

The term "hanging," in reference to any type of pitch, means the pitch just hung out over the plate, giving the batter an excellent chance to hit it. It generally results from the pitcher didn't throw the pitch in the way he intended to throw it, and the ball then just went right over the plate. In that sense, a hanging curveball, a hanging slider, or a hanging screwball are all pretty much the same thing: a pitch that didn't do what the pitcher wanted it to do.

What is the best thing about the baseball pitch called the slider?

To the batter the slider properly thrown has the batter thinking he is facing a fastball. This among other things fools the batter and he is not expecting the ball to waver in its flight to home plate. I filled in part of the discussion area to explore this pitch in more depth.

What kind of pitch is a slider?

A slider is a pitch in baseball that breaks laterally and down. It is not thrown at the velocity that a fastball is thrown at, but its velocity is faster than a curve ball. The break on a slider is not as big as a curve ball. The slider is similar to a cut fastball, but will break more than a cut fastball.

Would a slider be a good pitch against left handed batters?

if it's a right handed pitcher

What must a baseball pitcher do in order to throw the baseball pitch called the slider?

The slider is a difficult pitch to master. It also requires a developed arm strength. With that in mind, a pitcher must first be willing to practice the pitch many times before its thrown in a real game. Also, because it is hard on the arm, first master the curve ball and the fastball. When all three things are done, a pitcher is ready to use the slider in a real game.