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Q: Who invented the baseball pitch called a slider?
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It was named for an old style of baseball pitch, called a jug-handle pitch.

What must a baseball pitcher do in order to throw the baseball pitch called the slider?

The slider is a difficult pitch to master. It also requires a developed arm strength. With that in mind, a pitcher must first be willing to practice the pitch many times before its thrown in a real game. Also, because it is hard on the arm, first master the curve ball and the fastball. When all three things are done, a pitcher is ready to use the slider in a real game.

How do you pitch a high strike in baseball?

You have to have command of a rising fastball. A slider works good too if you have pinpoint control.

What is the best thing about the baseball pitch called the slider?

To the batter the slider properly thrown has the batter thinking he is facing a fastball. This among other things fools the batter and he is not expecting the ball to waver in its flight to home plate. I filled in part of the discussion area to explore this pitch in more depth.

Who invented the baseball pitch?

A very talented person

What major league pitcher was one of the first ones to master the pitch called the slider?

Actually more than one major league pitcher back in the middle of the 20th Century were known as great slider pitchers. The ones that come to mind are Bob Feller, George Blaeholder, Early Wynn and Bob Lemon. As an aside, as a note to how effective a good slider is, baseball great, Joe DiMaggio, a super hitter, had a terrible time hitting this pitch.

What kind of pitch is a slider?

A slider is a pitch in baseball that breaks laterally and down. It is not thrown at the velocity that a fastball is thrown at, but its velocity is faster than a curve ball. The break on a slider is not as big as a curve ball. The slider is similar to a cut fastball, but will break more than a cut fastball.

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What is a six letter word for a curving pitch?

A Slider.

In baseball what is an offspeed pitch?

An off speed pitch is any type of pitch other than a fastball of any kind. In other words, an off speed pitch is any type of pitch that is not thrown with maximum speed. Examples are a curve, a slider, a sinker, a screwball, etc.

Which sport's pitch is called the Diamond?

its baseball