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The last Winter Olympics in the US was in 2002 in Salt Lake City. The last Summer Olympics in the US was in 1996 in Atlanta.

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16y ago
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16y ago

Winter Olympics - 2002 in Salt Lake City Summer Olympics - 1996 in Atlanta

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15y ago

2002 Salt Lake City (winter)

1996 Atlanta (summer)

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13y ago

guessing your from GB the last time the Olympics was held in Britain was 1948 and the upcoming one for GB is in 2012

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12y ago

The last Olympics in America were held in 1996 by Atlanta, but if you want the winter olympics then Salt Lake City in 2002

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15y ago

In 1996 in Atlanta.

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12y ago

Atlanta, Georgia 1996.

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1996 - Atlanta, United States

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16y ago


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The last country to host the Olympic games was England.

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The last Olympic Games held in Australia were in Sydney in 2000.

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The last Winter Olympic Games were in Torino (Turin) Italy in 2006. The last Summer Olympic Games were in Athens. Greece in 2004.

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Prior to 2012, the UK last hosted teh Olympic games in 1948.

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There were no Olympic Games - summer or winter in 2011. But there was a special Olympic Games that were held in Athens. But this is also known as The Special Olympic Games" and there's no inidcation of US in it.

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The last Olympic Games were the 2006 Winter Olympics held in Turin, Italy.