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Sports competed at the 1896 Olympics: Athletics (Track and Field)









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Q: What were the olympic sports in 1896?
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Swimming pool sports started from Britain around 1830, but first swimming pools games started in Olympic in 1896.

How many events are in the first olympic games?

There were about 236 people in the first Olympics and no women There were about 236 people in the first Olympics and no women

What year did Olympic races start?

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What original summer sports represented in the 1896 Olympics are also part of modern day Olympics?

The 1896 Olympics had 43 events spanning 9 sports. Those 9 sports were: Swimming, Athletics, Cycling, Fencing, Gymnastics, Shooting, Tennis, Weighlifting and Wrestling - all of which are still being contested in the current Olympic schedule

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The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.

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WOMEN Olympics 1896?

Women did not compete in the 1896 Olympic Games in Athens.

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The Olympic demonstration sports can be found by using the link to the Wikipedia article on Olympic Sports.

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What are ten sports held in the olympic games in Athens in 1896?

the three Olympics games held inside are soocer football hockey wonderland ur moms 56436874

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