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Major Sports Created in the US

Baseball, Basketball and American football (not to be confused with rugby) originated in the US.

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Basketball was created by James Naismith, a Canadian sports coach. And the first explicit references to baseball appear to come from England.



Basketball was created in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA in 1891

by James Naismith (Yes we know He was a Canadian)

Baseball was created in 1845 by Alexander Cartwright

If the sport of rounders was the Liverpool and Scottish Rounders Association, formed in 1889, And if Alexander Cartwright created Baseball in 1845 then it first originated in the US. Besides the field and rules are so different, yes they both use bats, balls, bases, with rounders or cricket it has an oval shape Field, but with Baseball is diamond shape, one batter at a time, use cylinder shaped bat, not flat. Baseball uses gloves, has fouls lines, yes the idea Baseball might have been influenced by Cricket & Rounders, But all and all Baseball is an American sport.

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12y ago
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15y ago

I believe the only sport to be invented in modern day America was Basketball, but I think it was invented by a Canadian living in the US.

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14y ago

new york red bulls - Football

LA Galaxy - Football

San Francisco 49ers - USA Football

Boston Red Socks - Baseball??

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11y ago

Baseball was founded in the US by Abner Doubleday in 1839

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11y ago

beer pong, keg stand and threesomes...i love college

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15y ago

basketball and football

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baseball, basketball, & football

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