tennis, soccer, volleyball, basket ball
any thing really depending on how big your yard is
Look at this website and search for your answer List of Backyard Sports Characters - Backyard Sports Wiki.
Backyard Sports series was created on 1997-10-10.
You could get a magnifying glass and check out the insects and things in your backyard. You could play sports. You could invite friends over and have a scavenger hunt.
you can sports (soccer, basketball, football, etc.)do simple gymnasticsgo backyard campingswim if you have a poolplay games like tag or catchdo almost anything you set your mind to
Backyard Monsters is a game that can be played on Facebook.
You can't play games on Twitter.
Backyard Sports: Sandlot Sluggers is not available for PlayStation platforms only for Nintendo Wii and DS, Xbox 360, and the PC
Children play all sorts of sports games, as well as a variety of indoor games and computer games. Australian children play the same sorts of games as people in the UK and the USA, but due to the great climate and lack of air pollution, they are able to spend more time outdoors. Swimming and playing in the backyard pool is a popular pasttime.Common children's sports include:cricketsoccertouchvolleyballkick-itrugbyhockeyswimmingnetballbasketballsoftballt-ball
Pay-to-play sports require payments to play.
they play all the sports other people play
what sports do honduras play