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Q: What sport uses a high net and ball?
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What Sport uses high net and ball?


Which sport uses a net a racket and a shuttlecock?

Badminton is a racquet sport that uses a net and a shuttlecock.

Is tennis a high impact sport?

No.. unless you are terrible and sometimes get hit by the ball. But as to being a high contact sport, no the players stand on opposite sides of the court/net.

Which Equestrian sport uses a bamboo stick to which is attached a racquet head with a loose thread net which is used to carry a ball?

== == Polocrosse == ==

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Net Ball

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In which sport can you spike the ball over the net?

the sport u can spike the ball over the net is vollyball. the spike is also known as a slam

What sport uses a stick with a net to catch balls?


Which Equestrian sport uses a bamboo stick to which is attached a racket head with a loose thread net which is used to carry a ball?

The answer is Polocrosse. This is a level 8 answer for Howrse.

What Equestrian sport uses a bamboo stick which is attached a racquet head with a loose thread net which is used to carry a ball?

Howrse: polocrosse ~sugar-n-spice