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i've been told Doves

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Q: What kind of birds are released during the opening ceremony of the Olympics?
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Related questions

What type of bird is released during the opening ceremony?

Doves are released at the opening ceremony of the Olympics

Do all team members walk out during the opening ceremony at the Olympics?

No, some team members can elect not to participate in the opening ceremony.

What country always leads the parade of nations during the opening ceremony for the Olympics?


How many drummers were there in the Beijing opening ceremony?

There were 2008 drummers who performed during the Beijing opening ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics.

When did athletes march into the stadium during the opening ceremony for the first time?

1896 when the first modern Olympics were held.

What year were the first opening ceremonies?

The first opening ceremony for the Olympics was held in 1908 in London, England.

Was Kd Lang participating in Calgary Olympics opening ceremony in 1988?

Yes, she sang during the opening ceremonies of the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary.

Why do they speak french during the Olympic games opening ceremony?

Because a Frenchmen was the person who came up with the modern olympics

Who marches last in the opening ceremony in Olympics?

Olympic protocol states the first athletes that enter the stadium during the opening ceremony are those from Greece in recognition of Greece being the home of the Olympics (where the Ancient Olympics first began).

Why are doves released during the closing ceremony of the Olympics games?

The release of doves is symbolic of peace, love, purity, and the reasons the Olympics are held for.

When does the handover ceremony take place?

during the opening ceremony

When can you watch the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in America?

The event has already been aired as has the closing ceremony Both were aired during Prime time on the USA Broadcast Network for the NBC stations