The role of a Basketball referee is to make sure the game of basketball runs smoothly and the right team wins the game. The referee also has the power to call off a game if conditions get too bad
Blow a whistle
In American sports, the referees usually wear black and white striped shirts. In the NBA, the officials wear grey shirts.
Referees in football, basketball and soccer use a whistle for various signals.
On a netball court there are 7 people on each team, which means fourteen players are on court.There is the goal shoot,goal attack,goal defence,goal keep,centre,wing attack and wing defence. On a netball court there are fourteen players, then there are the referees: there are usually 2 of them. So all together there are 16 people on the court
Ref, for the black and white striped uniform of the referees in many sports.
Feferees were really always there for sports, but they weren't called referees. There was always someone who was making sure everyone followed the rules and called the necessary fouls, off sides, high sticks, etc.
Another word for a sports referee is an umpire.
they have one referee and 2 lines men and 2 goal line referees in italian football why?
Generally 3. Referee, and two Assistant Referees. However in higher standards there are sometimes 4. Referee, two Assistant Referees and a 4th Official. In European game, and also International matches, there can be up to 6. Referee, two Assistant Referees, 4th Official and then 2 officials who stand on the goal line.
If yo u are referring to a football referee. , then as given it is 'Referee'.,
Technology is used in sports most commonly in the for of replays. In football (American Football) the referees can watch a replay to ensure the correct call had been made. In soccer (football for the rest of the world) The referees use walkie talkies to communicate to each other as well as a device that detects when the ball has crossed the goal line in come places. The assistant referees have a button that cause a vibration on the official referee's arm when pressed to call attention. Balls in both of these sports have been prototyped with GPS and Computer chips inside as a way to help the referees make better calls but the high-tech balls have yet to be incorporated into either sport.