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i think its the 1500m but im not 100% sure

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the maraphon race

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14y ago
  1. the marathon
  2. race
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15y ago

Marathon - 26,2 miles/42,195km.

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Q: What is longest running race in the Olympic Games called?
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The longest running olympic games?

The longest running games ever is attributed to one Robert Davies' Games, (actually spelled OLIMPICK Games) - the Games ran annually in Chipping Campden from 1612 to 1852 plus a resurrected games in 1951. This makes it the longest running games with 241 events. The Games always included the Main Event which was Shin Kicking! (OUCH!)

What and when is the longest race in the olympipc games called?

The longest race is the 50 Km walk. The longest running race is the Marathon.

What happens in running races for the Olympic Games?

you we running and runnin

What Olympic events did Caribbean Athletes participate in the 2008 Olympic Games?

they participated in the running

What is the longest running event in Commonwealth Games?

The Marathon.

In what country did running first originate in the Olympic Games?

Some running events were included in the original Greek games.

What is the ancient Olympic event called?

The Olympic Games.

What was the first race in the first Olympic games?

a running race.

How many running races are run at an Olympic games?


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What Olympic games did Greece have?

A Chariot race and a running race.