5WH stands for ( questions to make before planning something )
WHAT ( the thing)
WHO ( the peoples envolved)
WHERE ( place where the action occurs)
WHY (motivation for that)
WHEN (point in time for action)
HOW (way to reach the goal)
5WH stands for ( questions to make before planning something ) WHAT ( the thing) WHO ( the peoples envolved) WHERE ( place where the action occurs) WHY (motivation for that) WHEN (point in time for action) HOW (way to reach the goal)
Milk boils out because - Milk is a colloid that has many substances suspended in it such as protein, sugar and fat. When milk is heated slowly the proteins and fat get separated. Since protein and fat are light they rise to the surface of the milk and collect together in the form of cream. Milk has a high content of water in it and when the milk is heated some of the water gets converted into vapor. Since the surface of the milk is covered by cream the vapor gets trapped below the cream layer. As the milk is heated the trapped water vapor expands and pushes against the layer of cream. The cream layer is lifted up as the water vapor expands and finally the pressure of the water vapor bursts through the cream layer and when this happens milk boils over and spills out. Water does not boil and spill out because - When water boils, bubbles form at the surface of water and burst. For water bubbles to expand further the temperature must be high enough so that the vapor pressure exceeds the atmospheric pressure or else the water vapor bubbles shrink and vanish.
I was looking for the same answer. I have a loose bladder Tachikara SV-5WH that had a slow leak. After not finding much help online, I started looking around my garage. I didn't have anything to lose, as the ball would only stay inflated for about 10 minutes or so, so it was unusable. I found my motorcycle chain lube and gave it a try. It is made to stick to motorcycle chains, and is safe for O-rings, so I figured it would be OK for the bladder. I inserted the thin straw spray nozzle (like you get with WD-40 cans) into the valve on the ball and sprayed a fair amount of chain lube inside the ball. I then filled it with air and spun it different directions to coat the inside. After that - no leaks at all.