It means Major League Gaming.Ex. of mlg playersx ReeMixx o
Major League Gaming
Major League Gaming
You have to be invited on a team by an MLG player than you can be MLG
MLG stands for Major League Gaming and is a professional gaming league. On Halo 3, Bungie has included a playlist with specifications for gameplay according to the regulations of MLG for their use, although anyone can use the playlist.
You Don't get into MLG, MLG gets you into IT.
It doesn't mean anything specific 'in Minecraft', it is short for Major League Gaming.
MLG flappybird is the famous flappybird who has later been "updated" to the MLG flappybid, who now smokes weed and wears shades
MLG stands for Major League Gaming
MLG Columbus was won by LG, or Luminosity Gaming
mlg illuminati 420 noscope mlg mom get the camera
YEa of course he is MLG Walshy cause he is so cool!!