MLG stands for Major League Gaming and is a professional gaming league. On Halo 3, Bungie has included a playlist with specifications for gameplay according to the regulations of MLG for their use, although anyone can use the playlist.
yes but it may not be called MLG it may be just slayer pro or variations.
Go on and make a team under the MLG title, but it cost money.
A level 50!
FFA means Free For All. Ex. On Halo someone may say, "Want to play a FFA match"? Add me on XBox Live GT: MLG xSECURITYx
yes alot of poeple still play halo most are mlg or pros througe
yes i will
It means Major League Gaming.Ex. of mlg playersx ReeMixx o
An MLG pro is someone that plays on on the PRO-Circuit Ladder or PCL or PCOQ which is a ladder on that you pay 25 dollars to join most MLG pros play Halo or Call of Duty but there is also Starcraft II and Super Smash Bros Brawl. Sometimes people with say "OMG IM MLG PRO" when they do something good in there game. There is lots of variations of what people mean when they say MLG pro such as some people think when they receive money from playing the game that they are PRO at it.
An MLG pro is someone that plays on on the PRO-Circuit Ladder or PCL or PCOQ which is a ladder on that you pay 25 dollars to join most MLG pros play Halo or Call of Duty but there is also starcraft II and super smash bros brawl. Sometimes people with say "OMG IM MLG PRO" when they do something good in there game. There is lots of variations of what people mean when they say MLG pro such as some people think when they receive money from playing the game that they are PRO at it.
Ogre1 And Ogre2 are twin brothers, they are also both part of the mlg circuit for halo. which means that they are professional halo players. their halo team is called "Final Boss" they are outstanding halo players ...But I could take them on! lol
Major League Gaming