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Ways to be a football player include:

  • keep your grades up because your brain is more important than football
  • exercise to be at your fittest
  • increase your cardio-vascular endurance
  • eat sensibly and healthy
  • get plenty of sleep
  • know and follow the rules
  • practice your position's skills
  • know what your team mates' positions and what they do
  • show up for team practice drills
  • show up early, don't be late
  • be good at what you do
  • no jocking around on the field
  • don't show off
  • listen to the coach
  • show good sportsmanship
  • avoid deliberately hurting any other team mate
  • encourage each other - failures and misses will happen throughout life
  • give respect and be coureous
  • be helpful
  • enjoy yourself
  • remember, football doesn't last for forever, but your brain cells do.
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10y ago
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11y ago

A lot of skills, a great cardio engine, a good sense of field judgement, and the abilities to use your hands to pull on opponents jerseys without getting noticed, to waive your hand in the air while attempting to persuade the ref to make calls in your teams favor, and to put both hands together while pleading and/or praying to the ref to reverse their calls that go in favor of the opposing team. Being a good actor is also useful, as grabbing your leg (after getting bumped in the arm)will often help you as a player since it might incline the ref to make a couple of calls your way in the future. This only works if you have the good sense to jump up and reenter the game after being sprayed with the magic fluid the trainers spray on you after you have been taken often the field on a stretcher, with an agonized look on your face.

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14y ago

Soccer- Basically for anyone whom wants to know, you have to pass the ball between the players and try to get the ball in the opponent's net (if you don't know what a net is it's a big rectangle on the ground that you have to kick the ball into)

Okay I'm going to make this simple. All you have to do is get the football and run it to the opponent's endzone without getting tackled.

Sometimes a team has to settle for field goals, but the point stands that you want to get it to the other end without being stopped in any manner. Whether it be turnover on downs, having to punt, or just a turnover(fumble, interception).

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12y ago

A footballer is a professional soccer player. To become a professional sports player, you need some athletic ability. Training and hard work to develop this ability is needed.

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12y ago

you need to be strong and smart. Also you need to understand plays your coach tells you to do. Work on your stamina, Strength, and quickness.

And know the position's.

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12y ago

shut up and dont be a dork :85_&

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14y ago

play soccer

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