Please take note that the 12 Basic Strikes do vary. You will see them documented differently everywhere but they usually include the same movements in different orders or on different targets. For example, one popular "Basic 12" set is:
Alternate 12 Basic strikesChat with our AI personalities
Facilities and Equipment
The game is played by using prescribed padded stick in delivering artistic and legal blows, strikes, thrusts, and disarming the opponent to gain scores.
Shall refer to the area by which the conduct of the competition shall be set or held including the free zone around it.
The playing area is a square measuring 8.0 meters by 8.0 meters with a two (2) meters minimum free zone around it, and a clear space without any obstruction up to a height of not less than 5 meters from the playing surface.
Lines of the Playing Area
All lines of the playing surface are 5.08 cm. (2 inches) and must be of different color from that of the floor and other lines previously drawn for other purposes.
Boundary Lines
Four lines mark the boundary of the playing area. The free zone distance measuring 2.0 meters are drawn outside of the playing area.
Match Lines
Two lines of 1.0 meter long and 2.0 meters apart mark the horizontal match line. The horizontal match lines are drawn 3 meters from the boundary lines that run perpendicularly to the official's table, and 3.5 meters from the boundary line that run parallel to the official's table.
The padded stick shall be the official weapon of the player. The specifications of which shall be in accordance with the i-ARNIS standard. No other similar material will be allowed to be used in any local, national or international competitions.
Each padded stick shall be properly foam-cushioned and shall have a maximum grip diameter of not more than 3.81 cm. (1 1/2 inch) and length of 76.20 cm (30 inches for men and women). The length of padded stick shall be 27 inches for boys and girls. Both padded stick shall be color-coded, one red and the other blue.
Head Protector
Refers to a pair of protective head gear to include an impact-worthy face mask, the specifications of which shall be in accordance with the i-ARNIS standard. Both headgears must be color-coded, one red and the other blue, to match the padded stick of the player.
Body Protector
Refers to a pair of protective body protector, properly cushioned, the specifications of which shall be in accordance with the i-ARNIS standard.
Male and female player must both wear body protector and groin protector. Body protectors and groin protectors specifications shall be in accordance with the i-ARNIS standard. Both body protectors and groin protectors shall be color coded to match the color of the player.
Forearm and shin guards are compulsory. The specifications shall be in accordance with i-ARNIS standard. Both shin & forearms guards must be color coded to match the color of the player.
A pair of scoreboards, either manually or electronically operated, the specifications of which shall be in accordance with the i-ARNIS standards.
Two score boards per contest area shall be placed at diagonally opposite corners outside the playing area, inside the competition area within the free zone, right where the judges are positioned.
Two sets of red and blue flags, the size of which is 30 cm by 25 cm, are used by the judges in declaring decisions or asking for consultations.
One yellow flag, size 30 cm by 25 cm. for timer's use to signal the start and the end of each round and to declare a time-out and resumption of the game.
Other Equipment
Stopwatch is use to keep the two-minutes per round. This excludes interruptions such as injury, changing of broken padded stick. A gong and mallet or other similar audible substitutes such as whistle, bell or buzzer shall be provided for the Timer to indicate the start and end of the round.
A table shall be provided for the Timer and Recorder which shall be situated one (1) meter in front of the playing area so that time signals are audible enough to both players and referee.
Kali sticks (equal size pair of rattan sticks one in each hand) is the first training in Escrima the traditional martial art of the phillipines in wich Arnis is originally derived from,
after mastering techniques like the heavenly eight movements and other weapons sets like knives, you are then allowed to advance into empty hand training
arnis stick
Arnis is the name of martial arts in the Philippines. Some of the equipment used to fight in Arnis includes knives, sticks or weapons with blades.
Network equipment and facilities sales were $41.0 billion in 2001
Facilities are often buildings and permanent sturctures. But equipment is movable stuff.
facilities & equipments of table tennis
what is arnis
George Arnis
Mechanics of arnis
your hands
Arnis-was a bogu
You might hurt yourself when practicing Arnis.
fundamental skills in arnis