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As I've seen in other websites, "Sepak Takraw" is the term used in the country "Malaysia" while "Sipa" is term used in the Philippines. I'm not sure with the other countries what they call to that sport. :)
sepak takraw
Sepak Tackraw. Malasian game like volleyball but no hands.
Sepak Takraw, otherwise known as kick volleyball, is a native to the Malay-Thai Peninsula. Sepak Takraw is played worldwide but is more popular in the eastern and southern Asia countries.
Basketball and baseball. The national sport is sipa, which is similar to sepak takraw.
A good example is muay thai the national sport of thailand. but also popular is the native ball sport sepak takraw
sepak takyaw is actually likened to volleyball...
hacky sack
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kyutness :))