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Sepak Takraw, otherwise known as kick volleyball, is a native to the Malay-Thai Peninsula. Sepak Takraw is played worldwide but is more popular in the eastern and southern Asia countries.

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Related questions

Where is sepak takraw originated?


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How are the sports lingo in sepak takraw differ from each other?

As I've seen in other websites, "Sepak Takraw" is the term used in the country "Malaysia" while "Sipa" is term used in the Philippines. I'm not sure with the other countries what they call to that sport. :)

How do you write sepak takraw in sports writing?

sepak takyaw is actually likened to volleyball...

What are the three most popular sports in the Philippines?

Basketball and baseball. The national sport is sipa, which is similar to sepak takraw.

Lessons on how to play sepak takraw?

Check out the links

Who are the some famous players of sepak takraw?

kyutness :))

What are the use of spectators in sepak takraw?

are you kidding me.there are fans.

How do you allow substitution in games like sepak takraw?


What sports are being played in Indonesian schools?

sepak takraw

Who are the famous players in sepak takraw in Philippines?

Wilmar illut

When the birth of sepak takraw in Philippines?

during the 15th century