They are when a rule is broken or when bad sportsmanship takes place. It'll give the other team which would be the victim to the penalty or foul an advantage. From a free shot to control of the ball, the other team losing ground, players, or timeouts.
Fouls are handled differently in every sport. Some can result in penalties.
The two most "major" penalties in basketball are technical fouls and flagrant fouls. Flagrant fouls are assessed when a player fouls another player with excessive force without making a play on the ball. Technical fouls are assessed to players who disrespect other players or the referree. Technical fouls are judgement calls by the ref. they can be called for cursing, taunting, attempted fighting, arguing or many more things.
The men with whistles are Referees they look out for fouls, penalties , etc. There are usually 2 Refs.
The singular form of fouls is fouls.
2 technical fouls and 6 fouls
Team fouls are the total fouls that all the players together committed. Personal fouls are each player individually.
over 600 fouls
In most leagues it is 5 fouls until you are out. However, in some tournaments they can make up whatever rules they want so any number of fouls. But basically it is 5 fouls. -Kristen (I have played basketball for 6 years)
Team fouls are reset to 3. Personal fouls remain the same
6 fouls. If you get 6, your out.
no it should be a thousand fouls.
Rasheed made 222 fouls and 17 technical fouls in 2009-2010