The 15th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which prohibits the government of the United States from denying the right to vote based on someones race, color or previous condition of servitude was signed on February 3, 1870.
it isused to keep record of peoples medical condition and is used to see how someones body is working
in someones cuchi in someones cuchi in someones cuchi
do you know/like them? if not they might be liable depending on who's fault it was. and if the condition of their property caused your fall.
its when your eye gets puffy and red and its bad. It's also contaigous if youtouch your eye then someones hand and then they touch their eye they can get it too
someones culture
Some people have a condition called a nasal, whereas others are just born with an unusual sounding voice!
when it was someones birthday stargirl liked to
it is a thermometer or thermotropic or hyperthermia or hypothermia
yes you can have someones other account
No you can not get HIV from braiding someones hair.