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in someones cuchi in someones cuchi in someones cuchi

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Q: Where are fish mainly found?
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The Piranha is the name of several species of carnivorous fish that are mainly found in Amazon rivers.

Where do kissing fish live?

They are mainly found in oceans between Thailand and Indonesia and in the South China Sea.

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Methylamine is mainly found in nature as a decomposition product of protein-containing foods, such as fish. It can also be produced synthetically for various industrial applications, including the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and dyes.

What species is the redside dace?

Dace are small fish of the minnow family, found mainly in small creeks and streams.

What is the bald eagles natural ecosystem?

Normally found around rivers, lakes, bays, where they feed mainly on fish.

What is chopa?

Chopa is the Spanish name for the fish known as Black sea bream (Spondyliosoma caharus) It is found mainly in the Atlantic.

What do Mackerel fish feed on?

Mainly other fish.

What is more fish or fish sticks?

fish. as "fish sticks are mainly dough" with very little "fish" in them.

What do pickerel fish eat?

Mainly small fish, and frogs.

What are some imports and exports in Libya?

well, what i found was that Libya mainly imports oil. and what they export is fish. hope this helps anybody and everybody! :)

What does the blue footed boobys eat?

well they mainly eat fish but they can eat squid . so yeah mainly fish like sardines and anchovies and mackerel.

Where are bald eagels found?

The bald eagle is found in North America, mainly around water. Lakes, rivers, ocean bays wherever there are trees, and plenty of fish. This species often will attack ospreys to rob them of their fish, and is a scavenger of dead animals as well. However, they catch most of their own fish.