Rounders is a game which involves two teams, a bat, a ball and 'bases'
The four bases are set out in a square shape.
One team stands behind the first base, these are known as 'batters' Each person takes a shot at hitting the ball and running to base. depending on the distance you hit the ball, depends how far you can run. far away hit = home run
the second team are 'catchers'. Their aim is to catch the ball, pass it to the person nearest the base a batter is running to, if the person with the ball in their hand touches the base before the batter, the batter is out.
You are allowed to lose 3 players before the batters and catchers swap places.
there are 4 bases, and each peron stands on 1, a bowler hits to the player with the bat, and if the batter mages to hit the ball, he should run to all bases without being stomped with the ball at each post. if the ball is near the post, he should wait at the first post, until the next player bats.
cricket i just like Baseball but they use different items and terms such as, a pitcher in base ball but a bowler in cricket and instead of a bet they use a wooden type thing with a flat surface.
you hold the bat and when the oppositon throw the ball you Dodge it and beat them with the bat
thats how i play
Certain penalties will be incurred depending on which rules are broken.
Rounders was originated in England, the first game was played in 1884 first with formalised rules.
How to Win a Game of Rounders Winning a game of Rounders means your team has scored the most points at the end of a predetermined number of innings (usually two). Note: Rounders game rules would award the victory to the team with the most Rounders (whole points) if the game ends in a tie.
Rounders bats are similar to baseball bats but are slightly lighter than their American cousins. The rules are similar with the exceptions being that the ball is thrown under arm and that the ball itself is similar to a tennis ball. In fact Tennis balls are often used in rounders.
The throwing rules are that if you throw it to high, to low, to far to the side or if you hit the bowler it is classed as a no ball this is decided by the bowling umpire and the batting umpire
American baseball was derived from both rounders and cricket, which are both traditional British bat-and-ball games. In rounders, which was often played in town squares, stakes were driven into the ground to act as bases. During the late 1800s, people replaced the stakes with bases, and began to refer to it as "townsball." This eventually morphed into "baseball," and set guidelines of rules and regulations were set in writing in 1845.
Rounders is "Schlagball" in German.
Rounders is a sport that requires physical fitness, agility, hand-eye coordination, and teamwork. Players need to have good running speed, throwing accuracy, and batting skills. Additionally, understanding the rules and strategies of the game is essential for success in rounders.
The Production Budget for Rounders was $12,000,000.
Rounders was released on 09/11/1998.
Well, it is up to you if you like rounders or not so it depends on who is answering the question. I don't mind rounders but it isn't my favourite sport, so that is my opinion, it is up to you about what you think about rounders.