yes, in the smoky mountains in tennesee. The inventors of zorbing have a new website; that lists two new places to go zorbing with OGO: Amesbury Sports Park, Massachusetts, and Ski Roundtop, Pennsylvania
Usually about 2,000 dollars
"Zorbing" is an invented word by Andrew Akers (one of the co-inventors alongside Dwane van der Sluis). The word Zorb is an adaptation of "orb" with the letter "z" added as part homage to New Zealand (where zorbing was created). Go to the inventors' website for further information about the development of zorbing.
The sport of Zorbing originated in the country of New Zealand. The sport has since caught on nationwide and can now be played or tried in many European and North American countries.
The only official ZORB site in the USA is located in Pigeon Forge, TN.
mainly just to not go with other people, and try not to run into other objects ~hope it helped!
Zorbing was invented in New Zealand in the 1990's by Dwane van der Sluis and Andrew Akers. Go to for a complete history and timeline of the activity of zorbing. OGO Inc is owned by the inventors of zorbing in New Zealand and includes photos and video footage of early trials of zorbing in New Zealand.
I'm not sure you can buy them... But Im positive that you can go Zorbing in Wiklow
You can choose any toys you want. The best place tou can go to is Toys R Us
You can go to eBay and search under "Zorb", or "Hyper Core" Or you can go to . They will send it to you... Just be expecting to pay over $1000 for one!Go to - this is the website of the inventors of zorbing.
Roll down hills inside a large inflatable ball (called a zorb or an OGO) - see There are two main ways of zorbing; 1. Hydro zorbing (H2OGO) where the sphere has water inside with the customer. The water makes the inside of the ball very slippery and you slide on the bottom of the ball - you do not tumble around inside. You can safely have 1, 2 or 3 people inside the zorbing ball at once to do this. 2. Harnessed zorbing (IGO and WeGO) where you are harnessed inside the ball (either one person or two people harnessed on opposite sides of the sphere). With this method you rotate with the ball and go head over heels all the way down the hill (safe inside your harness so you don't tumble.) Because the OGOs (zorbing balls) are so large (3.2 metres diameter - 11 feet) they only rotate once ever 10 metres (35 feet or so) and so you are not spun around incredibly fast. The balls reach speeds of up to 25 km/hr
Go to the bank of any river. The air is the gas, the water the liquid and the dirt on the bank is the solid.