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Competition is normally welcome in tons of American societys and im sure all over the world. Not only is competition fun but its a way for striving players that want to make it to the big time to get better. There are always going to be people who have bad tempers when they face competition but usually competition is a good thing.

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Q: Is Competition bad in your society?
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Does not give the customer the right to choose, and without competition must pay the asking price of whatever the organization sets. The government makes it a point to break up monopolies, to increase competition which is better for society in general, as well as the economy.

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it is bad because in this so many dirty tricks are used to win the vote. even the good leaders are never come to this competition.

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competition makes people do their best. when someone loses in a competition then it makes them strive to win the next time. the society needs to have competition, that is how the world advances and competition is why we are ahead in technology and other areas that need competition. it is everywhere , you cant help it . there is no way you can have a life with out you competing in smallest things like eating quickly or large things like finding out the other galaxies in the world.

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