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Stableford is a scoring system used in Golf. It involves scoring points based on results at each hole. Unlike normal golf, where the object is to have the lowest score, in Stableford rules the objective is to have the highest score.

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15y ago

You take your handicap, say 18, you therefore get one shot per hole, that becomes your unofficial par, and is known as your set score.

You get

* 0 points for 2 over set score * 1 point for one over set score * 2 points for set score * 3 points for one under set score * 4 points for two under set score * 5 points for three under set score * 6 points for four under set score and so on. If your handciap is less than 18 you get one shot on the holes ranked 1- (your handicap) on the stroke index. And also for handicaps over 18, you get one shot per hole + the extra shots, again following the stroke index.

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