Larry Fitzgerald is 34 years old (birthdate: August 31, 1983).
Larry Fitzgerald is an Arizona Cardinal Wide receiver.
Larry Fitzgerald is an Arizona Cardinals Wide Receiver.
Larry Fitzgerald was born on August 31, 1983.
Larry Fitzgerald was born on August 31, 1983.
Larry Fitzgerald was born on August 31,1983
Larry Fitzgerald currently plays for the Arizona Cardinals
Larry Fitzgerald has not won a Super Bowl ring yet.
Currently Larry Fitzgerald is their best receiver.
He is 19 years old in 2015.
Larry Fitzgerald is number 11 on the Arizona Cardinals.
Arizona Cardinals NFL superstar Larry Fitzgerald, Jr. has one child, a son named Devin. In October of 2008, his son's mother placed an order of protection against Fitzgerald following He had an order of protection filed against him by the mother of his child in October 2008 an argument between them allegedly turned violent.