he is a christian
Tara Fitzgerald is 43 years old (birthdate: September 18, 1967).
Larry Dunn is 58 years old (birthdate: June 19, 1953).
Larry Fortensky is 59 years old (birthdate: January 17, 1952).
Larry Mize is 52 years old (birthdate: September 23, 1958).
Larry Fitzgerald is an Arizona Cardinals Wide Receiver.
Larry Fitzgerald is an Arizona Cardinal Wide receiver.
Larry Fitzgerald was born on August 31,1983
Larry Fitzgerald was born on August 31, 1983.
Larry Fitzgerald was born on August 31, 1983.
Larry Fitzgerald has not won a Super Bowl ring yet.
Larry Fitzgerald currently plays for the Arizona Cardinals
Currently Larry Fitzgerald is their best receiver.
Larry Fitzgerald is number 11 on the Arizona Cardinals.
Larry Fitzgerald has never won a Super Bowl ring.
Larry Fitzgerald jumped a 42 inch vertical in the NFL Draft Combine.