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all sports can award there own bonus. There is no set amount

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Q: How much do you get paid for winning gold?
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How much does a Grenada athletic get for winning gold medal?

No one is paid for winning Olympic medals directly. However winning one may improve some ones chances of getting a sponsor and advertising contract.

How much money do Chinese athletes get for winning the gold medals?

None, they don't even get paid it is just a good thing for their country.

How much do the NFL players get paid for winning the 2013 Super Bowl?

To much simple answer

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5 billions

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Do Olympians pay taxes on money paid to them by the us Olympic committee for winning?

9,000 tax if gold is won

How much will Jon Jones get paid for winning the UFC championship?

One mullion

How much did a person from Spain winning a gold medal get?

5 cents

Does a gold medal winner get any money for winning the gold?

They really don't get paid anything directly.. But they will receive sponsors from different companies. Giving them free merchandise.

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How much do british athletes get paid for winning gold medals?

Olympic athletes are amateurs. They do not get paid. Britain does not award cash to medal winners. Other countries in the UK might award cash to their medal winners.