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Q: How much gold medal get paid in Tanzania?
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How much do gold medal Americans from Olympics get paid?


How much Chinese Gold medal be paid?

They get paid with food, Kung Pao Chicken.

How much do English Olympic gold medal winners get paid?


How much do olympic gold medal winners get paid in swimming?


How much do Russian Olympic gold medal winners get paid?

I don't believe being paid is allowed

How much do Olympic gold medal winner get paid in South Africa?


How much do London olympic gold medal winners get paid?

That will be based on the country. The US Olympic committee pays an award bonus of $25,000 for a gold medal.

How much do GERMAN Olympic gold medal winners get paid?

around $300 an hour

Are gold medal winners paid?


When did US gold medal winners get paid?

nothing just medals

How much do Olympic gold medal winners get paid South Korea?

This depends on the country and what its polcies are and als those companies who sponsor the Athletes.

How much Are Olympic champions paid?

I've been told, it's $25,000 for a Gold Medal. Doesn't seem like much, but they also have endorsements and sponsors too.