Texas Tech University has a total of ten different sports. The men's sports include; Baseball, Basketball, cross country, football, Golf, tennis, and track. The women's sports include; volleyball, softball, soccer, basketball, cross country, golf, tennis, and track.
The University of Texas, Texas Tech University, and Texas A and M University all offer degrees in sports management.
Football and basketball
Lane Tech has 32 sports. 8 Fall Sports. 10 Winter Sports 11 Spring Sports.
There are 28,422 students attending the Texas tech university!
4: Georgia Tech, Louisiana Tech, Texas Tech and Virginia Tech
-2 i believe
The Texas Tech Red Raiders refer to the collection of athletic teams representing Texas Tech University. All of the school's athletic teams, except for the womens' basketball team use the name. Some of the sports included are baseball, golf and volleyball.
Texas Tech
Texas @ Texas Tech Texas @ Texas Tech
about 6
i think there is 11...
dallas cowboys, Houston rockets, dallas mavericks, Houston astros, san antonio spurs, Texas rangers, dallas stars, Texas longhorns, Texas a&m aggies, Texas tech