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mph x 0.44704 = meters per second

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Q: How long does it take a baseball to travel from the pitcher to home plate if the pitcher throws the ball at 100 miles per hour?
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Can a baseball pitcher throw a baseball at sixty miles per hour and without it touching any other object or surface have it stop and come right back to him?

Technically yes, if he throws it straight up.

If a pitcher throws a baseball such that when it leaves her hand it has a velocity vector of 0 98 in miles per hour What speed is this fastball going?

Unfortunately this question can't be answered. The reason for this, is because there is no stated direction for the 'velocity' therefore it isn't a vector quantity, it's scalar.

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Dee Miles is 6 feet tall. He weighs 175 pounds. He bats left and throws right.

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Baseball pitch Seconds to miles per hour?

To convert seconds to miles per hour for a baseball pitch, you would need to know the distance the pitch travels (typically 60.5 feet, which is the distance from the pitcher's mound to home plate). If the pitch takes 0.4 seconds to reach home plate, you can calculate the speed in miles per hour by dividing the distance (in feet) by the time (in hours). This would mean a pitch that takes 0.4 seconds to reach home plate can be roughly around 95 miles per hour.

What is a good freshman catcher throw down time?

Generally speaking a catcher throws back to the pitcher, each pitch he catches. This throw however, is a direct, straight one, but has a velocity 75 miles per hour or less. The catcher's most throws travel a short distance to the pitcher who stands 50 feet 7 inches away ( generally ) However, often times a catcher is involved in a "live" throw which is thrown to stop a base-runner from stealing base, or the catcher is throwing the ball to one of his fellow players in an ongoing play that requires him to throw with accuracy and good speed. In such situations, the catcher may throw a baseball anywhere between 75 to 85 miles per hour.

Does Miles Mikolas throw right or left?

MLB player Miles Mikolas throws right.

How many minutes does it take to drive 6 miles?

If you travel six miles an hour it will take 60 minutes.If you travel 60 miles an hour it will take 10 minutes.If you travel six miles an hour it will take 60 minutes.If you travel 60 miles an hour it will take 10 minutes.If you travel six miles an hour it will take 60 minutes.If you travel 60 miles an hour it will take 10 minutes.If you travel six miles an hour it will take 60 minutes.If you travel 60 miles an hour it will take 10 minutes.