Horseback riding is a large category... there are many individual sports in it, like dressage, racing, polo, show jumping, hunting, cross country jumping, barrel racing, etc. Each of those are played in different ways based on what style it is, western or english.
Horseback riding
Horseback riding
it isn't a sport... YES IT'S SPORT!! horseback is a cowboy thing and it is fromnorth America
horseback riding
It's a sport AND entertainment.
They call it horseback riding & yes we consider it as a sport.
horseback riding
Horseback riding.
His favorite sport was horseback eriding. he also loved to read mystery books
Horseback riding in general began in central Asia at approximately 1600 BC. From here, horseback riding developed into more that just means of transportation, eventually becoming a well-known sport across the globe.
Jockeyingjockey is the person who ride over the horse professionallyhorseback riding