it depends on the picther i personally am 12 and picth high 60s low 70s because i train and work hard but for different pichters there will be different speeds for example a small kid on my team pitches low 50s high 40s while me a taller skinner kid can picth high 60s low 70s
There is a slow-pitch BASEBALL bat is more for Little League. A fast-pitch BASEBALL bat is mostly 10 and under or 12 and under or even 14 and under. There isn't a slow-pitch and a fast-pitch BASEBALL bat. Meaning they cant be morphed together.
Let go the right way and swing your arm around fast. This also goes for softball.
It's usually about 35-55 mph
its pretty much the same except that the ball is comming at you 10xs faster and you REALLY have to watch the ball It's pretty self-explanatory. In fast-pitch, the ball comes at you faster. In slow-pitch, the ball is coming at you slower.
An average fastball for a senior at the college level is 90 mph.
It varies from player to player. Some throw in the 70s to the upper 90s.
yes, so they know how fast a pitch is
It would take the ball .26 sec. to get from the pitcher to the batter.
in Baseball they use a radar to see how fast the pitch went. in football they review plays
Usually about 60-75 mph.
Repetition. It is all muscle memory from taking thousands of swings.
There is a new baselayer out which increase velocity for pitching, batting and running Its by a company called asus you can find them at I bought one and it works for me . good luck