Looking is backwards. A looking strikeout is subjective to the home plate umpire that night. A swinging strikeout is objective. No doubt that he missed on that third strike; that's a K. K=swinging forward. Backwards K=looking backwards at the umpire and being K'ed
Ipad spelt backwards lol dummies!!! k.0
In the chat box, type in /moonwalk your character will walk backwards instead of foward, but you must log out to undo it.
backward r on jewelry hallmark
A forward 'k' is using in baseball scoring to mean a batter struck out swinging. a backward 'k' is used to mean a batter struck out looking.
birthday gilr
is it Kum but change the 'k' to a 'c' ?
Why don't you tell us? I bet you know... -_-
what does 3 R(backwards R) K stamped on jewellery mean