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Q: Does a backwards K signify solely a called 3rd strike or do all 3 pitches need to be called strikes?
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Why is there a sometime a backward k and other times it face correctly to show when a player strikes out in little league baseball?

In scoring baseball on all levels, a backwards "K" means the batter was called out on strikes by the umpire. A regular "K" means the batter struck out while swinging at the pitch.

The ray that strikes the mirror is called the what?

The ray that strikes the mirror is called the incident ray.

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Well, they are called balls, strikes, outs, and walks.

What Ray of light that strikes a mirror is called?

The ray of light that strikes a mirror is called an incident ray.

What is five consecutive strikes in bowling called?

It is now called Yahtzee!5 consecutive strikes in bowling is called a 5-bagger.There are no special names for strikes other than hambone/double for two consecutive strikes, turkey for three consecutive strikes, and clover for four consecutive strikes. Anything after that is call a "x bagger." X = the number of consecutive strikes thrown. For example. If you threw seven strikes in a row, it would called a seven bagger.5 baggerIn bowling if a person were to get 3 strikes in a row, at anytime in a game, that's called a " Turkey ". 5 strikes in row is called a " Goose " , 10 in a row is a "swan" and ,12 in row is of course a " perfect game ".

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A succession of pitches going higher or lower is called a melody. Melodies are created by combining different pitches in a sequence to create a musical line or phrase.

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When a moon's orbit is backwards, it is referred to as a retrograde orbit.

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A word that is the same spelled backwards and forwards is called a palindrome.

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Groupings of several pitches sounded simultaneously is called what?

What is it called when you can spell a word forwards and backwards?

When a word can be spelled the same way forwards and backwards, it is called a palindrome.

What is the name of the ray that strikes the mirror?

The name of the ray that strikes the mirror is called incident ray.

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They are called blemes or craters.