Hang time is generally a statistic used with punters and is the number of seconds elasped from the time the ball is punted (leaves the punter's foot) until the time the ball is caught by the punt returner. The longer the hang time is the better chance the punting team has to run down field and cover the punt successfully. A hang time under 4 seconds is considered poor, 4 to 4.25 seconds average, and over 4.25 seconds as good.
A punter in the game of American Football wants the football to remain in the air a long time to allow his players time to get underneath the ball. To do this it must be kicked high in the air.
Hangtime is how long the football is suspended in there air. The hand time is no more when the ball hits the ground or is caught.
American football evolved from rugby, soccer and other sports that were, at the time, all called "football." American football simply never obtained another name (as opposed to rugby and soccer) in the country that created it.
Lionel Taylor of the Broncos and Oilers holds the American Football League's record for career pass receptions with 567.
11 unless your talking about American football, cuz' 11 is right for English football!
There are a couple of things that someone can work on to try to increase the hangtime of a football punt. Obviously, kicking the ball higher would increase the hang time. However, kicking the ball so that it spirals instead of falls end-over-end will increase the hang time because the ball will catch more air resistance from underneath.
some lad, some year, some time. i think.
In American (gridiron) Football, there are twenty-two (22) players on the field; eleven (11) on each of two teams. In Arena Football, 8 players are on the offensive and defensive sides of the ball for a total of 16.
No not really. But they play for fun sometimes....but then again most of the time no.
Because the game was invented here, a long time before American "Football". Question really ought to be, why do you call football "soccer". Grrr! ---- Soccer is an English coloquial version of the phrase 'Association Football' .The game is called Football NOT Soccer. The word 'Soccer' was used to describe on particular form of league of football.
The National Football League, at the time called the American Professional Football Association, was founded in 1920.