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No not really. But they play for fun sometimes....but then again most of the time no.

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Q: Do girls play American football
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You feel girls shoud play football?

Yeah why not boys dance so why shouldn't girls play football :)

Do girls play basketball in Togo?

Usually, Girls play Football instead of playing basketball in Togo.The have a passion for Football.

Do girls play football?

of course!

Can girls play professional football?


Where can girls play football?

LFL[Lingerie Football Leauge]

Can a girl play soccer too?

Yes! Girls can play just about any sports guys can play. (Football is a little different- there are no professional girls football teams).

Can girls do anything boys can do?

yes girls can do things boys boys can do..... like for example, some boys play football. some girls play football and other sports do.

Can girls in Canada play football?


Why isn't football a girls sport?

Actually girls are aloud to play football but they choose not to because injuries in the breast and because most coaches think girls cant play... So because of those main facts, that is why football is not a girls sport

Can girls play on there school's team?

YES because some girls want to play there is no rule about girls playing football

How do girls throw a football?

The same way that males throw an (American?) football.

What is the connection between American football and the us?

American Football is what we play in the U.S.A. a.k.a. football or the NFL.