Yea aim for the legs and or the belly of the animals. Or the buttocks....
The sasquatch you're referring to is probably Quatchi, one of two mascots for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic games.
Quatchi is one of the mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics. It is a bigfoot, or sasquatch.
There are several good websites about Bigfoot. Visit my Bigfoot/Sasquatch site and go to the Links-Resources page.
Quatchi is a shy sasquatch from British Columbia, and he's also one of the mascots for the Vancouver 2010 winter Olympics. Find out more about him here.
Sasquatch - novel - was created in 1998.
Sasquatch - ride - was created in 2009.
Sasquatch Mountain was created in 2006.
A day for the sasquatch would be feeding and remaining elusive.
Sasquatch - novel - has 188 pages.
The duration of Sasquatch Mountain is 1.5 hours.