Quatchi is a shy sasquatch from British Columbia, and he's also one of the mascots for the Vancouver 2010 winter Olympics. Find out more about him here.
The 2010 Winter Olympics Mascot's Are Quatchi,Sumi,and Miga.
Quatchi is one of the mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics. It is a bigfoot, or sasquatch.
Quatchi and Miga are, but Sumi is for the paralympics
The sasquatch you're referring to is probably Quatchi, one of two mascots for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic games.
The 2010 Olympic mascots are Miga, Sumi, and Quatchi.
sumi, miga, quatchi, mukmuk
Quatchi,Miga,Sumi, and some people think Mukmuk.
Miga, Sumi, Quatchi and MukMuk but is a sidekick.
The 2010 Olympic Mascots are, Sumi ,Miga and Quatchi. so this is almost the first time I'm answering
Mukmuk is the sidekick of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games Mascots.(Sumi, Quatchi and Miga.)
The Winter Olympics in Vancouver were in 2010.
No, she is not going to the 2010 Winter Olympics.