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4 feet high by 6 feet wide.

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Q: How big is a street hockey goal?
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Hockey pitch diagram?

This is a big pitch, u can have ice hockey, or Field hockey, also street, floor, inline hockey. =]

How big is the ice hockey goal?

6 foot by 4 foot

How big is a hockey goal in metres?

a little under 200 feet

How big is the goal for ice hockey?

6 foot by 4 foot

How big is the olympic women's hockey goal?

4 feet high by 6 feet wide.

What is a score called in hockey?

its called a goal

Who is the goal keeper of Indian hockey team?

Adrian D'Souza is the goal keeper of Indian Hockey team.

Who was the goal keeper of Indian hockey team?

Adrian D'Souza is the goal keeper of Indian hockey team.

What is the goal of hockey?

to defend your goal and to score on the other teams goal

What is a goal made by a hockey goalie called?

A goal

Is there a difference between roller hockey goalie gloves and street hockey goalie gloves?

No. Roller hockey and street hockey are exactly the same (with the exception that street hockey is sometimes played without roller blades). Therefore, the equipment is the same.

Is a puck used in ice hockey?

Yes, and posssibly in street hockey (balls are more commenly used in street hockey though).