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Yes! anyone who trains hard, do require more protein. alot of bodybuilders usually take in 1gram per pound of bodyweight, it is important too remember this amout is only needed when excercise is of an high intensity, bodybuilding, weight lifting, NOT arobic types like jogging ect. high intensity breaks down muscle tissue= high protein

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Q: Are protein drinks and high protein food bars necessary for athletes?
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Related questions

Should you take protein at all?

You absolutely must have proteins in your diet, but protein supplements such as protein shakes and protein bars are not necessary if enough protein is consumed through normal food sources.

How many bars of chocolate a week do athletes have?

3 but only granola bars

Are there any high protein diet plans available in the stores?

High protein diets such as Atkins and South Beach sell protein drinks and bars in retail outlets. High protein, low carb plans such as Medifast are available only through their website or an authorized seller.

Is protein bars a good nutritious snack?

Protein bars can be a good nutritious snack. It would depend on the brand of protein bars. Some brands do not have healthy ingredients but others are gluten free and such.

What does energy drinks and energy bars contain?

Energy drinks typically contain caffeine, sugar, taurine, and B vitamins. Energy bars usually contain a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and various vitamins and minerals, along with varying levels of sugars and fats for quick energy. Both are designed to provide a quick boost of energy but may not always be the healthiest choice due to their high sugar and caffeine content.

Where can you purchase a protein bar?

Protein bars can be purchased from several places. Health food stores such as GNC sell nutritional products such as protein bars. Protein bars can also be found in the health food section of most grocery stores.

What age to start eating protein bars and shakes?

You can start eating protein bars and shakes at 3 or 4. Excessive protein is bad for you, but as a supplement it will benefit almost everyone.

What are the best tasting protein bars?

I think the best tasting protein bars are the granola bars or the chocolate ones. I think they are the best because they taste good and they give you a lot of energy.

What do jockeys eat?

Jockeys tend to eat low fat, high protein diets along with lots of fiber. They also eat a lot of sports drinks (Gatorade) and bars and meal replacement drinks. Lots of fish and chicken, which are low in fat and high in protein. You will also often see jockeys eat many fresh fruit, vegetables, and salads.

What supplement does John Cena take?

There is a John Cena supplement pak called John Cena "The Choice of A Champion" Pak. There are two versions: Pro Pak and Starter Pak. The paks consist of protein shakes, protein bars, energy drinks and some gear.

How can someone get a high protein breakfast when they have a hectic lifestyle?

The easiest and healthiest way when your on the go is high protein health food bars, or drinks. It depends on which you like and you can find them at any grocery store. It's a fast solution and always better than skipping breakfast.

What are the best protein bars to eat while in training?

The best protein bars to eat while in training are QuestBar, Myoplex Carb Control, PowerBar, Nitro-Tech Hardcore, Protein Plus, Detour and Pure Protein.