A feat is an act of great strength or skill. A feat might also be an act of daring performed in front of an audience.
acts of skill strength or courage
The pentathlon.
A homophone for a deed of strength or skill is the word "feat." A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning, origin, or spelling. In this case, "feat" sounds the same as "feat," which means a notable or impressive act or achievement.
Yes. It requires a great deal of skill and upper body strength.
The bullied boy showed strength and skill.
the answer to your question is Pentathlon that is the name of the 5 test of strength and skill.
Hercules was more celebrated for strength, than for skill.
It is a good skill because if you play football it will help you with aim, and strength because you need strength to get someone out
a plan strength and skill
Strength is the skill in which the trunk lift test is aimed at.
Yes, the word 'feat' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength.
The homophone for a part of the body and a deed of strength or skill is "muscle" and "muscle."