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It is a good skill because if you play football it will help you with aim, and strength because you need strength to get someone out

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Q: Why is throwing a good skill to have in dodgeball?
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batting, throwing, catching, running, pitching, coordination

What could be wrong when you have shoulder pain while throwing a softball?

because a dodgeball is so light has no friction when you're throwing.

What is Japan's native sport?

Well it all started about 1000 years ago when the Japanese started using discarded heads from there enemies to play the game of dodgeball by throwing the heads at eachother. You can thank the Japanese for Dodgeball

What does Specialized movement skills mean?

A fundamental movement skill would be throwing a ball, but a specialized movement skill would be considered throwing a baseball as a curve ball.

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lawnmower racing, base jumping, water boarding, dodgeball dodgeball is good

Is THROWING a reflex?

No, throwing is a learned motor skill, not a reflex. Reflexes are automatic responses to stimuli, while throwing involves a conscious decision and coordinated movement.

How can you do math?

Keep at it. It's a skill like throwing a football. The more you do it, the better you will get.

Why is dodgeball a good sport to play?

You get to hit people with a ball on purpose.

Was Jim Carrey in dodgeball?

No, he was not in Dodgeball

A old dodgeball player?

There are no legitimate professional dodgeball players.

How do you play Prison Dodgeball?

its a simple answer really..........there is no prison dodgeball

What skill involves movement of a hinge joint?

Kicking or throwing a ball involves movement of a hinge joint.