Spectators was created in 1999.
it can hold 3,000 spectators
2000 to 3000 spectators
If you mean the Colosseum in Rome, it could hold 70,000 spectators.
The collective nouns are:a crowd of spectatorsan audience of spectators.
Spectators is a noun. It's the plural form of spectator.
When the striker hammered home the ball, the spectators cheered wildly.
Generally there are more spectators than athletes.
There were 93,000 spectators in the 2002 world cup in Japan.
The spectators at the Colosseum reacted like the spectators of today. They yelled, applauded, cheered and booed.
It should be: I run into spectator's view. (If the spectator is only one.) I run into spectators' view. (If the spectators are more than one.)