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The original Olympic games consisted of only stadion, a short sprint between 180 and 240 metres, or the length of the stadium. Runners had to pass five stakes that divided the lanes, one marked the start, one the finish and three in the middle.

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Q: According to some literary traditions what was the only athletic event featured in the first 13 Olympics Describe this event?
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According to some literary traditions what was the only athletic event featured in the first 13 Olympics?

Well the Olympics only had a few events like running, jumping, boxing and wrestling. Only men where aloud to participate in these events.

Only athletic game at the ancient Olympics?

The only athletic game at the ancient Olympics was the stadion ( A quick Sprint)

Where athletic start?

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No- then it wouldn't be athletic ability

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No. The olympics.

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The First Olympics were held in Athens. According to the legend Heracles was the founder of this athletic event. Heracles also known as Zeus's son. It was the only athletic event that was held in Athens at the time.

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Brock had no desire to wrestle in the Olympics. He took a different athletic path.

What are the athletic games in the Olympics?

Asterme rikey and loopeing (these are all Greek)