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less energy is exerted.

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Q: Why do hikers step over a log rather than step on it and jump off?
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How can a long jumper scratch on a jump?

step over the white board you jump of from.

Do you jump in endurance riding?

You can jump in training, but typically endurance horses are taught to step over obstacles instead of jumping them. Though they may have to jump something that is too high to step over.

How do you get into DaVinci's workshop on Time Tangled island?

Climb the waterfall, then go right and jump over the hole in the wooden platform. Jump up on the step supported by ropes, then jump to the second step to the left, and you can jump to the workshop.

What does wait until the tree has fallen over before you jump over it mean?

it means to watch your step when walking.

What does 'wait until the tree has fallen over before you jump over it' mean?

it means to watch your step when walking.

What comes first in the triple jump?

The hop then the step and jump.

The triple jump event involves a hop a jump and a?

the order is HOP STEP JUMP

What is another name of hop step jump?

That is the nickname for the triple jump.

What 3 movements must an athlete perform to successfully complete a triple jump?

Hop, step then jump. The hop involves landing on the same foot that was used for take-off, the step lands on the opposite foot and the jump finishes in the sandpit (normally a two-footed landing).

How do you get to da Vinci's workshop on Time Tangled Island?

Go to Leonardo Da Vinci's workshop (4 o'clock, 1516 AD) and go to the wooden frame at top right. When you jump on the step with the ropes attached, the other step moves down. Jump over to that step, and it moves a small platform into the gap between the sides of the framework. You can jump down to that little platform, and jump hard to the right to reach the Peace Medal. Jumping left from the top step, you can reach the workshop.

How do you get up to Leonardo's workshop on time tangled island?

Go to Leonardo Da Vinci's workshop (4 o'clock, 1516 AD) and go to the wooden frame at top right. When you jump on the step with the ropes attached, the other step moves down. Jump over to that step, and it moves a small platform into the gap between the sides of the framework. You can jump down to that little platform, and jump hard to the right to reach the Peace Medal. Jumping left from the top step, you can reach the workshop.

What is tripple jump?

Triple jump is a running hop, step (or skip), and long jump in that order.