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yes it is well known that he started and finished his bball career as a virgin. he is a christian and he was married at 38 so he was almost a 40 yr old virgin.

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Q: Was AC Green a virgin
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Is ac green of the lakers related to Jeff green of the thunder?

No. AC Green of the lakers is not related to Jeff Green of the thunder.

When is AC Green's birthday?

AC Green was born on October 04, 1963

When was AC Green born?

AC Green was born on October 04, 1963

What color is green positive or negative for DC?

green is ground regardless of ac or dc

What is a green cherry virgin?

A girl who is too young for you to even be LOOKING at!

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Green Day

How much is an autograph of ac green worth?

$ 56, 000.000

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The Green, Gunnisson, Dolores, San Juans, Virgin and Gila rivers among others.

What is the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary where she is depicted wearing a green dress?

Our Lady of Knock

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Green day by wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more then a mile losers what were you thinking!!!!!!!!!

Why are three wires going into your AC - white red and green - and where does the green one go?

The green wire is a ground and should be affixed to metal that runs to the frame.