No. AC Green of the lakers is not related to Jeff Green of the thunder.
Lakers of corse
Gerald Green is a very popular basketball player. Gerald is best known for playing on the basketball team the Los Angeles Lakers, although he has played on other teams.
I dont think so.
Jeff Goldblums thunder beads
The Term Rolling Thunder is used to describe the sound the car makes at idle if I'm not mistaken. Because it sounds very much like the sound of carpet bombing the B-52's have done. And if you were not at ground zero when that was happening it sounded like Thunder walking from Point A to Point B. Hence Rolling Thunder. As to Jeff Gordon, maybe it's in one of the books or video's available. I have also seen a line of toddler clothing available with Jeff's Car Number on them. Hope This Helped.
Jeff Green was born on August 28, 1986.
Jeff Green - comedian - was born in 1964.
Jeff Green was born on August 28, 1986.
Jeff Green - writer - was born on 1961-10-12.
Jeff Green plays small forward for the Boston Celtics.
NBA player Jeff Green weighs 235 pounds.
Jeff Green is number 8 on the Boston Celtics.