They cannot see properly, their vision has decreased so if a ball is coming towards them their reactions may be slow and it could hit them in the face causing severe damage, maybe broken nose, slipped disc, or worse. death.
250,000 per year
Mainly Texting, rarly calling, oovoo, facetime, and face to face
Sadly there are a fair few barriers e.g shops not accomadating (no access or aisles to narrow). Ignorants in people mainly adults, simply not understanding especially if the child have mental disabilities and may shout out at inapropiate times. Intergration is a horrid word but I have watched a little boy in my sons year (year 4) who is wheelchair bound and no-one plays with him not because of him as a person (as he is a nice boy) but simply because the other children are not aware of ways in which they can all play together, he is fine in the class though.
Well they'll face the freezing cold temperatures.....which is at -25 degree {c} throughout the year....!
It is estimated that there are around 125 suicides each year where people jump off of a United States bridge. Barriers have been added to prevent these suicides.
Footballer of the Year in Russia - Sport-Express - was created in 1991.
It became a sport during the year, 1921. It became favorite (better then baseball) at the year of 1965.
There are no legal barriers to that relationship.
in year 1901
Basketball was originally used as an indoor sport to keep children healthy and ready for spring sports. Now it is used as a year long sport and to keep people healthy, and for pure enjoyment.